Once again this year, we were blessed with a beautiful sunny day for our close of season Gala Day.
As ever, all our members and vistors embraced the fun of attending in fancy dress. Some fantastic efforts were seen. Maybe it was the draw of the prize for best costume of the day. We saw: Friar Tuck, a banana, a Bumble Bee, Robin Hood, lots of hippes, pirates, two ‘Where’s Wally’, a Lord of the Rings trio, Madam Butterfly, a racey jockey and many more. Just take a look at our 2024 Gala Day. Congratulations to the prize winners, a pair of toliet rolls, called “Ann” and “Rex”.
This year the Gala Day trophy was won by Robin Hood (aka Little Kenny) and his team, Madame Morris Butterfly and Rik the Rock Climber. Check the photos!

Our Chariman Mike Davison and his wife Ladies Vice Captain Liz, also celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary with family and friends, joining in our Gala Day fun.
Surprise guests also turned up to everyone’s enjoyment.